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U-Visas Lawyers in Dallas

At Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law, we specialize in providing legal representation to immigrant crime victims seeking to remain legally in the United States by obtaining U-Visas. If you have been the victim of a crime in the United States and meet certain requirements, you may be eligible to receive a U-Visa, which will allow you to reside and work in the United States for up to four years. Additionally, after three years on U-Visas, you may apply for legal permanent residency. In certain cases, your spouses, children, and other family members may also be included in your application.

Lawyer shows the steps to follow in the process of applying for U-Visas in Dallas
Migrant victim of violence requests U-visas in Dallas for himself and his family
U-Visas Application Process in Dallas

Requirements to obtain a U-Visa

To be eligible for a U-Visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Be the victim of an eligible crime in the United States.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Having suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of the crime.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Be willing to cooperate with the police.

Crimes eligible for a U-Visa

Person who committed crimes against a person who applied for U-Visas in Dallas for his family

To qualify for U-Visas, you must be a victim of one of the following crimes:

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Female Genital Mutilation

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Abusive Sexual Contact

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Domestic Violence

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Illegal Detention

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Crime of Assault

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Involuntary Servitude

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Sexual Assault

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Kidnapping and Homicide

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Obstruction of Justice

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Slave Trade

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Human Trafficking

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Illegal Criminal Restraint

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Sexual Exploitation

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law


  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Witness Tampering

Schedule a consultation with our Dallas U-Visa attorneys

At Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law, we understand how difficult it can be to face the consequences of a crime. Our compassionate attorneys are here to support and guide you through the complex legal process to ensure your case is presented in the strongest possible light. With our deep knowledge of immigration law and a personalized approach, we are dedicated to protecting your rights and seeking the best solution for your situation.

Contact our firm today to discuss your eligibility for U-Visas in Dallas and obtain the legal representation you need to confidently move forward with your immigration process.

Successful cases of Latino immigrants within the United States, who obtained their American residency thanks to our team of immigration lawyers in Texas

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Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law



Clients satisfied with the work of our expert immigration law firm in Dallas

Thank you, Mr. Lawyer, for all the attention you have given me.

“Thank you, Mr. Lawyer, for all the attention you have given me so far. I feel very confident in having put my case in your hands. I hope to God that everything turns out very well. Blessings...”

- Mariam Madrigal