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Dallas Humanitarian Visa Lawyers

The United States Immigration System has developed several mechanisms to offer different types of humanitarian visas to people depending on the circumstances in which you find yourself. At Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law, our attorneys will gladly represent you in your quest to obtain a visa.

American humanitarian visa in Dallas issued by the government for one of the firm's clients
Young woman arrives in the United States after receiving her humanitarian visa in Dallas
Application form for an American humanitarian visa in Dallas

Immigration services we offer

If you wish to reside temporarily in the United States under one of the humanitarian visas in Dallas, contact our law firm today to receive legal advice from one of our immigration professionals. We offer a wide range of services for migrants:

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    U-Visas: For victims of crimes in the United States, offering legal status and the possibility of applying for permanent residence.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Humanitarian Deferred Action: For immigrants in serious medical circumstances requiring urgent assistance.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    Fiancé Visas: Helps couples through their process to meet and marry in the United States.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    E-2 Visa: For investors who wish to reside and operate a business in the United States.

  • Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law

    EB-5 Investor Visa: For those who invest in projects that generate jobs in the United States.

Protection for victims of abuse and VAWA

We accept cases on behalf of clients who are suffering abuse from a family member who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), spouses, children, and parents may apply for a humanitarian visa if they are survivors of domestic violence.

Human Trafficking and T-Visas

Application form for a humanitarian visa in Dallas, United States

T-visas are reserved for victims of human trafficking and their family members. This status is granted to those who report the crime to authorities and cooperate in the investigation. In addition to granting employment authorization and temporary status, the T-visa allows recipients to apply for legal permanent residence once the four-year period expires.

Schedule your consultation today

If you or a loved one needs help obtaining a visa in Dallas, contact us today for expert legal advice.

Our attorneys are here to provide you with the legal representation and support you need to navigate the complex U.S. immigration system.

Successful cases of Latino immigrants within the United States, who obtained their American residency thanks to our team of immigration lawyers in Texas

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Perdomo Dorsett Immigration Law



Clients satisfied with the work of our expert immigration law firm in Dallas

Thank you, Mr. Lawyer, for all the attention you have given me.

“Thank you, Mr. Lawyer, for all the attention you have given me so far. I feel very confident in having put my case in your hands. I hope to God that everything turns out very well. Blessings...”

- Mariam Madrigal